Reflective Journal example (5): 'Don't like menthols'

In this series of entries, I'll share some of my reflective journal examples and the vocabulary I intended to use in each of the entries. 

And today's topic is the live music of the 1975.

You can use these samples as your reflective journal template. 

Once you find it more comfortable to write your journal, then it will be time for you to develop your own reflective journal format!

The 1975 live in Jan 2023, First direct arena,

Reflective Journal example (5)

Last Monday, I went and enjoyed the live concert of The1975 in Leeds. 

I’ve been a fan of them for a few years now. 

One of my favourite Japanese rock bands talked about The1975 and that got me interested in them first.

The live event exceeded my expectation

What struck me is how the main vocalist (frontman) sang. 

He was sitting on a sofa, smoking, and drinking a bottle of red wine. 

The atmosphere was also amazing. 

The stage looked like a house, as if the band had been living there. 

I saw many teens in the venue, which was surprising for me. Apparently, the band went viral on TikTok lately. 

Overall, I’ve become a bigger fan of them.

The 1975 live in Jan 2023, Logo

Words and Phrases

  • a (big) fan of sth: like something
  • get sb [adj]: make sb feel [adj]
  • exceed sb's expectation: go beyond what sb thinks
  • as if: think about a case that is actually not the case
  • go viral: become popular, spread quickly

What is Reflective journal? 

Reflection is very important when you try to change your attitude or future actions. 

The meaning of reflection is learning your lessons from the past

Reflective journal is one of the forms of reflection for students, teachers and nursing purposes, ultimately for everyone who is keen on improving yourself.

How to write Reflective Journal? 

Reflective journal is composed of three questions: What happened? What did you feel/think/learn from it? and What now? 

We don't learn from experiences, but we learn from reflecting on them.

Below links are the first articles of each topic:
Please check out my instagram as well !
