Food Waste (1): TooGoodToGo App

A food waste app “TooGoodToGo”??

TooGoodToGo app is a food waste app to save food waste from going to bin bags

Hi thank you for visiting this page, today's topic is Food Waste

I've been interested in food waste and how to save them for a long time, as some of you might. 

And here, TooGoodToGo app will be one of its answers!


  • Food waste facts: One-third of food in the world is being wasted.
  • Food waste app 'TooGoodToGo': Save food waste at a great price
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of TooGoodToGo?
  • Summary

Food waste facts

According to the United Nations, about one-third of food in the world is being wasted

This is equivalent to each person throwing away 120 KG of food per year.  

When I knew this fact, I wondered what I could do to do with that. 

However, I didn't think of any, and I was unwilling to do any more research. Because I couldn't be bothered, to be honest with you.

Food waste app 'TooGoodToGo'

TooGoodToGo was founded in Denmark in 2015.

They run in more than 10 countries in the world, including TooGoodToGo UK (It's a shame that they don't do their app in Japan yet as of 2023..).

It is an app that lets you explore local shops and restaurants that have surplus food, and save them from going to waste at a great price (as a 'Surprise Bag').

Buying 'Surprise Bag' involves only 3 steps on the app.
  • Search what will be available
  • Reserve a 'Surprise Bag'
  • Collect it from a shop or restaurant

What are the benefits and drawbacks of TooGoodToGo?

Drawbacks of TooGoodToGo 

  1. Uncertainty

    As contents of Surprise Bag completely depend on how a daily business is going, most of the time, you can't expect what you will get

    Also, for the same reason, it is likely for you to experience your Surprise Bag being cancelled at the last minute. 

  2. Short window of time to consume
    Everything inside Surprise Bag is close
     to the expiry date.

    You might need to use all up in a short period of time, otherwise some of them would ironically go to waste.

Benefits of TooGoodToGo

  1. A relatively big amount of food at a great price

    You can get as much food for a cheaper price than a retail price.

    For example, I ordered 1 Surprise Bag from Morrisons for £3, one of the biggest British supermarkets.

    It came with 2 bags of grapes, oranges, a bag of mangos, parcimons, raspberries, peppers and a bunch of bananas.

    Toogoodtogo uk from Morrisons

  2. User friendly app

    When I first installed the app, I instantly managed to order one. I'm sure everyone can quickly get used to the app.

    Also, it normally takes a minute or less to collect a Surprise Bag. So I would also recommend using it for busy people.

  3. Save loads of food waste

    You can enjoy both saving money and a decent amount and quality of food as well as saving a lot of food waste from going to bin bags easily.

    This will make much difference to the environment


How do you find the food waste fact and the app so far?

Personally, it helps me save time and money when it's busy and also it makes me feel better by saving food from going to waste, so I will keep using the app. 

However, it might be difficult for some people to think of it on a daily basis because you can't expect what you are going to get.

If this article make you interested in food waste and TooGoodToGo, please do check out below video I created.

Also you can download the latest app from below link:

Below links are the first articles of each topic:
Please check out my instagram as well !
