Beyond the Headlines (1): Israel vs Palestine - History and Background -

7th October, 2023, when Hamas attacked on Israel in a serious way for the first time since 1973, this date will not be forgotten by people around the world.

Israel and Palestine, there's been a conflict literally for ages.

Israel and Palestine, HIstory between Israel and Palestine

However, how many people really understand the history and background on this issue correctly? 

If not, you're likely to be subject to fake news, propaganda, or any conspiracy theories.

In my opinion, we need to think back to about 2,000 years ago in order to grasp the whole picture.

Because Israel Hamas war is a pretty much complex mixture of religion (Judah, Christ, Islam), political interests, and so forth.

After reading this entry, you'll be able to understand:

  • why Israel Hamas war has started
  • what could happen in the future

  • History of Israel and Palestine
    • About 2,000 years ago
    • Until 1900s
    • How World War I affected Palestine and Israel?
    • How World War II affected Palestine and Israel?
    • Arab - Israel Wars and Cold War
    • Arab Spring and political disruption
    • Religious conflict -Shia vs Sunni-
    • The shift of the US strategy on Arab
  • What could happen in the future b/w Israel and Palestine?
  • Summary

History of Israel and Palestine

About 2,000 years ago

In the Palestine area (the east coast of the Mediterranian Sea) around 2,000 years ago, the Judish kingdom used to exist with a religious unity.

However, the Roman Empire invaded the region, and Judish people were kicked out of the country.

This is when Arabic people, who are now called Palestinians, moved in and settled there, and it's been about 2,000 years since then. 

Until 1900s

After being scattered around Europe, Judish people mainly started working in the financial industry (banking), which was regarded as 'a greedy job, in the Christian ideology.

However, they ironically ended up becoming influencial and gaining a reputation and power through their financial background.

For example, in the 19th century, many Western countries tried to expand their territory across the world to exploit resources there.

It required them to spend a considerable amount of money on the strategy and Judish supported them.

This change of status raised the aspiration of the Judish people building back their own country in Palestine.

This movement is called Zionism, especially being proactive from the 19th century for the reasons above.

In the meantime, Palestinians were dominated by the Ottoman Empire, which was religious in Islam.

How World War I affected Palestine and Israel?

In 1900s, we experienced the two World Wars.

Around WWI, the British Empire was carrying out '3C policies' (exploit Cairo, Colkata, Capetown) to keep expanding.

Therefore, Palestine was a very strategic place for them as the connection point of these places.

So Britain tried to invade Palestine and divide the land with France and Russia.

However, they told Palestinians and Judish that it would support for their independence at the same time.

These conflicting commitments gave both of them some kind of historical justification to claim their independence.

After WWI, Britain took the lead in encouraging Jewish to immigrate to Palestine, which significantly increased the tension in the region.

How World War II affected Palestine and Israel?

Then around WWII, as you know Nazis persecuted Jewish, so the world public opinion sympathised with them. 

At this time, many Jewish people were successful in the U.S. with their financial power.

After the U.S. won the WWII, Jewish worked with the United Nations, which was led by the U.S., to build their own country in Palestine with the support of US.

In 1947, UN declared the Palestine partition plan, which sparked an uproar among Palestinians, as it meant nearly half of the land would be given to Israel.

Arab - Israel Wars and Cold War

This UN announcement provoked a series of Arab and Israel wars lasting from 1948 to 1973. 

Consequently, Palestine's territory ended up being only Gaza and the West bank (the west coast area of the Jordan river).

In the meantime, the Cold War between Russia and the U.S. caused loads of conflicts across the world.

Iran is one of the countries against the U.S. over nuclear development and its invasion in Arabic countries.

In this sense, Iran has formed a part of the Russian side.

Arab Spring and political disruption

With the technology development especially smartphones, there's been a bit of a democracy of information. 

'Arab Spring' in 2010s, which brought to an end the old political systems in some Arabic countries, was likely to be attributed to this. 

However, this movement ironically led to these countries being dominated by armed Islam extremists, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

These groups have gained their political power further during the political disruption.

Religious conflict - Shia vs Sunni -

We also need to be aware of the religious conflict within Islam to fully understand the situation surrounding Israel and Palestine. You must need to know who are Hamas or Hezbollah.

Islam has two major religious groups, which is Shia and Sunni, and they argue over how the Islam leader should be chosen.

Iran is the biggest country on the Shia side (20%), and Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest countries on the Sunni side (80%).

Hamas and Hezbollah, Islam extremist groups, are on the Shia side.

The Shift of US strategy on Arab

The U.S. got involved in a number of conflicts in Arab, however, the public opinion as well as their financial burdens have put it off US being 'the world police'. 

Nowadays, you can see the shift of the US political focus to the East Asia, especially to China.

For this reason, the U.S has been trying to stabilise Arab so that they can retreat.

For example, the U.S. supported the partnership between UAE and Israel in 2020.

And this year 2023, Saudi Arabia and Israel were about to agree with the partnership.

However, this news was so shocking that Palestine (Hamas) couldn't stand for these moves and this was thought to be the last straw.

Because otherwise, Palestine would get isolated from other Islamic countries, which used to be on their side.

What could happen in the future - Palestine and Israel -?

Currently, each of them has the justification of their attacks, so as the history speaks for itself, it will be difficult to find the middle ground and agree with ceasefire.

To reach the ceasefire, Hamas has to return the hostages and Israel needs to reconsider its partnership between other Arabic countries.

Besides, it would be the worst scenario if China and Iran proactively made a move.

Whilst the U.S. is keeping a close eye on Arab and Ukraine, China would feel more comfortable making a move.

We need to fact-check if these countries would be up to something or not, so that we can make sure to avoid fake news, propaganda, and conspiracy theories.


This issue is pretty complex to understand and that's why you need to be aware of a risk that you will be used as a part of propaganda or whatever political movements.

What we could do is not standing on one side but being neutral, reading/grasping information correctly, giving as much humanitarian support as possible, discussing from humanitarian perspective. 

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